2024년 9월 7일 토요일



September 5th to 8th, 2024, the 21st Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists in conjunction with the 74th Annual Meeting of the Korean Association of Anatomists (IFAA 2024)

with Dr Yong Liu


2024년 8월 27일 화요일

2024 치매글로벌 공동연구과제

 International Conference

on Globla collaborative research for the development of mitophagy based AD therapeutics 

치매글로벌 공동연구과제

동아대 윤진호

하버드 최학수

가천약대 맹한주

가천약대 서승용

전남의대 조지훈

알트메디컬 유은희

2024 교세포 하계 PI미팅


2024년 8월 6일 화요일


 Dear Dr. Lee,

Thank you for revising your manuscript entitled "Amitriptyline Nanoparticle Repositioning Prolongs the anti-allodynic effect of Enhanced Microglia Targeting" for consideration in Nanomedicine. Having assessed your revisions, I am pleased to inform you that we can formally accept your manuscript for publication in Nanomedicine.